Written By: ??? Edited By: ???, ???, ???
The aim of being a college student is to become the top of the pyramid. There is a pyramid set that has four stratum which can distinguish four different kinds of learning conditions. At the top of the pyramid is specializing in a few fields. Second, is specializing in one field of study. Third, is learning different skills but not specializing in them. Last, is learning one thing without gaining any real knowledge.
The reason why we have to be at the top of the pyramid is because of three important dimensions: education, job, and money. Education is a stepping stone of finding a job. Finding a job will allow us to have enough money to pay our expenses of living. For example, expenses like food, clothing, housing, transportation and so on. All the steps are for living independently. Everyone must work and earn money to bear living expenses, or just become a NEET, an abbreviation for “Not in Education, Employment or Training.” If we start working right after high school instead of entering university, we will not have enough education to get a decent job.
To find employment, we must have abilities in some fields. No one will pay a salary for a person who does not have any skills. If we do not have any skills and a minimum level of education, which is a Bachelor’s degree, we will spend most of our time working for a minimum wage. Our life will be a vicious cycle of not earning enough money to pay for necessary life expenses.
In conclusion, the aim of studying in university should be to gain multiple talents and skills. Students should take advantage of the four years spent in university to concentrate on learning and self-improvement. After graduating from university, the degree and knowledge of different fields will help a new graduate get a job.
組員:陳宜幸、曾詠嬪、陳昕瀅、魏含芳 第二篇
Written By: Yi-Xing Chen Edited By: Han-Fang Wei, Hsin-Ying Chen, Yung-Pin Tseng