Friday, December 4, 2020

These DIY Videos Might Not Be As Good As You Think They Are

 Outlined By Harry Written By 張志皓 Edited By Judy, 郭育均

(English Full Names, please!)

            Ann Reardon, the YouTuber who hosts the channel How To Cook That, is making debunking videos to inform her viewers of the danger from viral DIY videos. The purpose of DIY videos should be harmless and helpful. In contrast, the fake DIY videos are harmful and useless. Children could hurt themselves while trying dangerous things without parents supervising. As a result, Ann decided to end this ridiculous cycle of fake DIY videos by creating debunking videos.

Several DIY videos on Youtube channels have been proven fake. For example, So Yummy and 5-Minutes Craft are the most notorious Youtube channels famous for making fake DIY videos. Both of them have an amount of 8.97 million and 69.5 million subscribers. Their videos are usually carefully edited, making it hard for viewers to distinguish truth from falsehood. 

            Although those malicious channels are still making fake DIY videos, 5-Minutes Craft has taken up a new calling and begun to debunk other questionable channels. Because 5-Minutes Craft has uploaded more than ten debunking videos this year, viewers start to believe this channel has realized the consequences of fake videos. It is thought that if 5-Minutes Craft has cared enough to improve, other channels will recognise the mistakes they made as time goes by. 

Because of Ann’s dedication to educating her viewers, they have grown aware of these fake DIY videos. Every time she uploads a debunking video, it gets millions and millions of views. In her videos, she always teaches her viewers scientific facts to prove her points. Thanks to Ann’s effort in making debunking videos, we will be more discerning when watching other DIY videos on YouTube.


Outline written by Harry

Article written by Harry, Judy, 張志皓, 郭育均

Articles edited by Team T & E

Team E (Entertainment & Enjoyable)

Member: Horace, Joanna, Messi, Amy


嚴仁傑、曹瑋庭、郭育均、張至皓 第一篇


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. English full names: Harry Yen, Judy Cao, Jenny Kuo, and George Zhang

