Since the coronavirus(covid-19) outbreak, it’s been three months. During these days , things that makes us afraid not just virus, but also – Nth-Room case in Korea
It has been three months since the first outbreak of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). While the whole world is still in shock, another knocker comes to deal another blow—the Nth Room Sex Scandal in South Korea.
The Nth Room Sex Scandal was a digital crime committed via a software program--Telegram, which provides a cloud-based and real-time system of text and voice messaging service. Sex video clips are illegally shared in categories labeled from the “1st Room” up to the “8th Room,” hence the name of the scandal—the Nth Room. There was even a “Doctor’s Room” in additional to the aforementioned 8 rooms. The 8 rooms were maintained by God God; the Doctor’s Room was maintained by Doctor. While the former disappeared with their administrator from the Internet in September, 2019, the latter stayed on the Internet as late as when its administrator Doctor (now identified as Cho Joo-Bin) was arrested by the Police.
According to anonymous sources. It was an organized crime in which the criminals blackmailed dozens of women, forcing them to make sexually explicit videos. Most of the victims were very young. The youngest victim was only 11 years old.
The tortures inflicted on them were beyond our worst imagination. He “wrote” on the skin of the girls with a knife by leaving deep cuts that formed words like “slave” or “Doctor” to show to his charged members on his on-line channel that the video clips were all masterpieces produced by none other than him, the Doctor. It is beyond reason, ethics, morality, or any quality that defines us human to commit such a crime. The administrator of those rooms has become the public enemy; those who paid for their memberships as viewers of those video clips were definitely accomplices who likewise shamed the entire humanity. According to police investigation, the Doctor’s bank statement showed 3.2 billion bitcoin (1: 190,000; bitcoin to won). And yet, it turned out to be a distracting account to keep the police from knowing the main one, whose statement might amount to a greater sum of money/bitcoins. It reveals a horrible fact behind the horrifying crime: there were devils who paid for the show and there were devils who got paid to make it. Evil was brewed in cycle.
According to news reports, the master villain Doctor, Cho Joo-Bin, ruthlessly tortured the women by night but worked as a volunteer for charity by day. He was once even interviewed by online media because he helped orphans and the handicapped. He shamelessly and manipulatively said that because he received a lot of help from others, he wanted to help people in return. It is both sickening and saddening to know the mind behind such a crime and to know such hypocrisy he is capable of.
After the exposure of this horrifying crime, the Child Welfare League Foundation (CWLF) started to take its action by proposing to the government an amendment of related laws:
1. Strenthten penalties and punishments related to making, owning, and sharing sex video images involving exploitation of children.
2. Introduce preventing, processing, investigating, and tracking therapeutic systems to cope with kidnappings, missing children, and runaway teens.
3. The Executive Yuan to establish and be in charge of an organization exclusively dedicated to the functioning of children’s safety and related on-line issues.
The Nth Room sex crime is not the first court case of its sort, and certainly won’t be the last. As we are alarmed by Coronavirus, we should also be on alert to make of an all-out prevention of similar crimes and of any potential double jeopardy done to the victims and hurt them any further.
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